Two out of three of your favorite Bloggers live on the best block ever, you already know what it is! But real talk though, like straight up, no lie, it's a pretty poppin place if i may say so myself.
And so farr this summer, we have been making some moves, yo.!
The other day, our dear old friend who lives on a not-so-poppin block had a BBQ. Volleyball games got pretty real.
Food was serious as always.
Tunes was on point (mostly).
Anyway all in all, we had a good time.
Especially wiff the little buddies !
...btw it's never really a good idea to give children under 7 a camera, otherwise you end up with pictures like these:
OH !
Cherry and I got our jerk on, sumin lite
(FYI: We brought that ish to NY after the shortie Briana brought it to the East Coast thank you very much)
...Mahlon and Miss Jasmine were gettin it in -_-
Yep that was it for that night basicallyy.
Well at least til AllyKatt, Miss Jasmine, & honorary C*BlockKiee Nyema hit the G*Room !
That was kinda fun, not gonna lie.. pure craziness all night. No pics, sorry.
But, LOL, we got our lil plan, so next time, chiiilllddd, just you wait and see.
Yep well that's about all for ahora.
Talk to you kool kids after the break.
Ally Katt : OUT!
^blow it up^
I almost forgot, congrats to all the '09 kidds
Congrats yall, you did it.
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