Laugh at this .
&& then make sure you look at the CH one and the Spectacular one.. those made me limh a little bit too.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
timewastefillupspacesmileyfacehowsthattaste !
My dear Bloggers&Bloggets !
it's been a minute
Today at work... I had the best idea for a blog.....but then I forgot it.
But then! I had another idea the time I started writing, I forgot again.
Sooo I think you'd like to know about how life is on the JLA Tip !
Well actually, all I can do is let you know about the "A" part of it, so that's what you'll get for now.
Most exciting part of my past weekend was locking my keys in the car. GREAT!
Lesson learned: LI is full of FAKE thugs because nobody in the whole Lakeview knows how to break into a car. SMH ! Well i guess thats not the whole LI but you know what I'm getting at, ya phonies ! However, they all had a reason and all the reasons were somethin like they "hustle for money, who wastes their time with cars.. but if the door is open, I'll get the muhhsuckah to run, nah mean" or some ish like that, idk whatev. Kool kids all around.
que mas que mas...............ummm C*BlockK found this DOPE ass burger spot. Yes this place deserves to be called dope. Two pieces of meat ?! No one warned us !! It was like a prize in bottom of the cereal box. I was beyond hyped. Not a bad price either. And they do NOT skimp on the fries either, one serving is def enough for 4 people. For sure the spot to go if you like brown paper bags turning see-through. delish, my kind of place =]
uhh, we danced in DSW with this little girl, it was cute... some other stuff happened on the C*BlockK road trip too, but i just can't remember..
Yea well, it's been fun.
Ally Katt signing out
it's been a minute
Today at work... I had the best idea for a blog.....but then I forgot it.
But then! I had another idea the time I started writing, I forgot again.
Sooo I think you'd like to know about how life is on the JLA Tip !
Well actually, all I can do is let you know about the "A" part of it, so that's what you'll get for now.
Most exciting part of my past weekend was locking my keys in the car. GREAT!
Lesson learned: LI is full of FAKE thugs because nobody in the whole Lakeview knows how to break into a car. SMH ! Well i guess thats not the whole LI but you know what I'm getting at, ya phonies ! However, they all had a reason and all the reasons were somethin like they "hustle for money, who wastes their time with cars.. but if the door is open, I'll get the muhhsuckah to run, nah mean" or some ish like that, idk whatev. Kool kids all around.
que mas que mas...............ummm C*BlockK found this DOPE ass burger spot. Yes this place deserves to be called dope. Two pieces of meat ?! No one warned us !! It was like a prize in bottom of the cereal box. I was beyond hyped. Not a bad price either. And they do NOT skimp on the fries either, one serving is def enough for 4 people. For sure the spot to go if you like brown paper bags turning see-through. delish, my kind of place =]
uhh, we danced in DSW with this little girl, it was cute... some other stuff happened on the C*BlockK road trip too, but i just can't remember..
Yea well, it's been fun.
Ally Katt signing out
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Something out of your EleMENt!!
" ART isn't just pictures ,sculptures, & sounds; its an untold LANGUAGE..."
This week has been a very creative week for me. Been into music, art & fashion. But its the ART that caught my attention the most this week. Never being on artist I find myself looking and being a decorator. Some here some things i looked at and liked hope you like it !ENJOY!!

Artist are, Timothy Sorsdahl, Lisa Kowalski, Laurie Maitland, A & C..
Leave Comments, Question and Just wanna say hey. .....blow it up!!
This week has been a very creative week for me. Been into music, art & fashion. But its the ART that caught my attention the most this week. Never being on artist I find myself looking and being a decorator. Some here some things i looked at and liked hope you like it !ENJOY!!

Leave Comments, Question and Just wanna say hey. .....blow it up!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Another Public Service Announcement
This is a public service announcement brought to you by Miss Jasmine and the good folks behind your favorite blog. Allow me to reintroduce name is Jazz' J-to-the-A-Z-Z. Lolsz ok im done, time for a more serious note. AllyKatt said it before and I'm gonna say it again. Hopefully this will be the last time we have to say this. We know you guys are reading the blog (the hits are extra crazy =D) so just give us some feedback! Subscribe, send e-mails, leave something! And if for some strange reason you don't want your name attached to your comment you can leave it as anonymous. So its a win win situation.
You know what to do!
You know what to do!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Land of the Free
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The ideals that our country was founded on. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness These are the very roots of America. Our great country. Our Country that has, countless times, violated these "rights" on the basis of religion, political beliefs, and of course, race.
Sadly enough.. we really haven't come that far since those pre-14th Amendment days.
Why is it that those little kids from the Philadelphia camp were denied access to a private swimming pool, even after the camp had paid to use it ? And how is the statement "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," made by John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club, acceptable ? And honestly, the fact that these young children had to endure comments such as "Why are these black kids here?" made by white club members, is definitely not going to leave a positive mark in their minds. This story really made me sick to my stomach, its a damn shame that things like this still happen. And I don't know if it's worse that this happens, or that there are still people out there who don't believe that people still to this day discriminate against non-whites in this country. MORE
Furthermoreeee, if you are black, and live in a house, becareful going home because you just might be arrested on suspicions of a possible break-in. Yessireee true story, that is what happened to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. As he arrived at his home in Cam
bridge, Mass., he had trouble unlocking a jammed door. This is when a neighbor called the police reporting a break-in. Upon the police's arrival, Prof. Gates was already in his home when asked to produce I.D. Even when he presented the officers (mind you, 6 cars showed up) with his driver's license and Harvard identification card, they continued on in handcuffing him to take him in for interrogation... for breaking in to his own house.. The police report states that the actual arrest was made when Prof. Gates followed the cops outside of his home and was yelling and blahblah.. So it came down to him actually being arrested for disorderly conduct. Whaaat the hell ever, as long as you get 'em though, right officer ? This isn't the first (look up S. Allen Counter) and I'm sure it won't be the last incident of racial profiling at this prestigious university. MORE
I'm sure these are def not the worst of what's going on out there. And I know I could go on for days and nights about these kinda thangss. Its really terrible and people need to acknowlege the fact that other people are bullshitters and therefore bullshit exists rather prevalently even in the day and age and it's something that probably won't change...It'll only continue to be swept under the rug unless we really make a valient effort to change it. We've come only but so far from the beginning and lord knows that's not this is not even close to the end.
But on a good note, at least there are some changes being made.. but I'm sure you've heard about this already.. but it's still interesting.. so make sure you catch it.. if you don't have HBO, we'll have a party for it that nite on C*BlockK !! ...jk ... unless you have food =]
Sadly enough.. we really haven't come that far since those pre-14th Amendment days.
Why is it that those little kids from the Philadelphia camp were denied access to a private swimming pool, even after the camp had paid to use it ? And how is the statement "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," made by John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club, acceptable ? And honestly, the fact that these young children had to endure comments such as "Why are these black kids here?" made by white club members, is definitely not going to leave a positive mark in their minds. This story really made me sick to my stomach, its a damn shame that things like this still happen. And I don't know if it's worse that this happens, or that there are still people out there who don't believe that people still to this day discriminate against non-whites in this country. MORE
Furthermoreeee, if you are black, and live in a house, becareful going home because you just might be arrested on suspicions of a possible break-in. Yessireee true story, that is what happened to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. As he arrived at his home in Cam

I'm sure these are def not the worst of what's going on out there. And I know I could go on for days and nights about these kinda thangss. Its really terrible and people need to acknowlege the fact that other people are bullshitters and therefore bullshit exists rather prevalently even in the day and age and it's something that probably won't change...It'll only continue to be swept under the rug unless we really make a valient effort to change it. We've come only but so far from the beginning and lord knows that's not this is not even close to the end.
But on a good note, at least there are some changes being made.. but I'm sure you've heard about this already.. but it's still interesting.. so make sure you catch it.. if you don't have HBO, we'll have a party for it that nite on C*BlockK !! ...jk ... unless you have food =]
Monday, July 20, 2009
Is That Really How You Feel?
So I just got finished watching Chris Brown's so called apology to Rihanna and I'm not too sure how I feel about it. Personally, I don't think he is apologizing because he feels bad about the's more like a I need to repair my image so I can get some money kinda thing. But hey who am I to say how he really feels. If this apology is sincere, at least he's in the position to influence other guys to stop domestic violence. I don't think I really have to say this but I'm going to anyway. Domestic violence is 100% wrong in all circumstances, hands down no questions asked.
But yea....heres the video. Leave a comment or send an e-mail ( and let me know how you feel about it.
Well, Miss Jasmine is outta here for now....later kiddos.
But yea....heres the video. Leave a comment or send an e-mail ( and let me know how you feel about it.
Well, Miss Jasmine is outta here for now....later kiddos.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Recollecting Thoughts For Mere Understanding
A little thing called being open-minded and semi-bored! ENjoy
Recollecting thoughts for mere understanding...
Dreaming a dream and wishing on a star like....damn little star please make THIS one come true!
Sending out hugs to brothers that never knew love. And the thought of it makes them quiver and shiver.
Lending a hand to all the single mothers that work 3 jobs just to buy supper.
or the little girl who doesn't know that loves means embrace.. because she was taught it meant a punch to the face!
But i dont know I'm just " recollecting thoughts for mere understanding".
i hope you like it =]
Recollecting thoughts for mere understanding...
Dreaming a dream and wishing on a star like....damn little star please make THIS one come true!
Sending out hugs to brothers that never knew love. And the thought of it makes them quiver and shiver.
Lending a hand to all the single mothers that work 3 jobs just to buy supper.
or the little girl who doesn't know that loves means embrace.. because she was taught it meant a punch to the face!
But i dont know I'm just " recollecting thoughts for mere understanding".
i hope you like it =]
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Oh Yeah/PSA

Barbados stand up ! We got another one =]
This 17 year old is Capitol Records' newest R&B artist. He's decent, but I'm not sure he's "fresh" (as in original) enough to really make it big.
Additionally, Christina Milian has a new song out, produced by the Dream, I believe (don't quote me on that).
It's kinda cute, different .. but prob not in the way that'll make it a hit...
Chameleon (ft. The-Dream) - Christina Milian
Theres a bunch of other new stuff out there & yea I know, this isn't the best of the bunch but most people would skip over these and listen to like the typical Rick Ross, Vado, Drake stuff. So I make it my job to open those heads of yours.
Subscribe to/follow the freaking blog. I'm tired of yall just reading it for leisure..well I mean that's what its here for but you gotta let your presence be known !! Like the hits are crazy, but nobody shows love =[ If you dont want to follow us (idk why you wouldn't), at least leave comments or emails or something to show us you careee ! We need love toooo !!
..Yea no but really, you know what I'm sayin.
Do it !
Gone Too Soon
Monday, July 13, 2009
I (heart) NY
I feel like this is def something you would only see in New York.
Mhm and I thought it was cute and maybe you might think it was too.
Mhm and I thought it was cute and maybe you might think it was too.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Who is Sara Baartman?
After talking to a good friend. It opened my eyes into seeing the exploitation on BLACK females..( not that I didn't already know that) but it showed me that the first "video vixen" was none other than a black slave named Sara Baartman. She was a video vixen not by choice but because she was fooled. She thought that she could go to Europe thinking she would find riches and fame but instead she found humiliation forced to be a spectacle because they have never seen a naked black woman's body before. They didn't even view her as a human because she did not have a white woman's body. Medical students and doctors were fascinated by her large breasts, hips, lips and buttocks, and elongated labia. She was later sold to a circus were she had to dance naked for the entertainment of white people. No longer wanted she became a prostitute and later died of loneliness, shame, and disease. She was 25 and only in Europe for five years. But it didn't stop there even when she died she STILL had no dignity they cut out her vagina, ,brain and skeleton and preserved them in jars along with a plaster of her actual body and for 160 years people could walk into a museum and look at Sara Baartman. This was the blueprint to the dehumanization of black females. From us being raped as slaves to being raped on video shoot. To being striped of our clothes and sold to slavemaster to dancing with no clothes on in a rap video.
Ladies black or white we must have self respect for ourselves. Males continue to beat us down and degrade us everyday, some because they are dogs and other times because we bring it upon ourselves. Lets have some self respect for each other and stop this dehumanization and sexplotation.
For more info about Sara Baartman go to:
Pce & Love
Ladies black or white we must have self respect for ourselves. Males continue to beat us down and degrade us everyday, some because they are dogs and other times because we bring it upon ourselves. Lets have some self respect for each other and stop this dehumanization and sexplotation.

For more info about Sara Baartman go to:
Pce & Love
Hello my fellow Americans why is it that when someone is trying to sneak around they almost ALWAYS get caught!
Come on now if your doing dirt make sure you clean it up right.(side bar and if you cant clean it up dont do the damn DIRT!) And once your found guilty don't deny or try to justify your actions because Obviously you weren't doing what you were suppose to be doing and that is why you got EXPOSED!!!!..SMH
and remember Karma is crazy do wrong to another and low and behold someone will do the same to you. respect the ganstaness of this blog and use it to your advantage because i am seriously tired of the B****a**ness in people now a days.
peace and love'

(p.s. here's that picture of Nivea baby momma #6 for rapper Lil'Wayne)

Come on now if your doing dirt make sure you clean it up right.(side bar and if you cant clean it up dont do the damn DIRT!) And once your found guilty don't deny or try to justify your actions because Obviously you weren't doing what you were suppose to be doing and that is why you got EXPOSED!!!!..SMH
and remember Karma is crazy do wrong to another and low and behold someone will do the same to you. respect the ganstaness of this blog and use it to your advantage because i am seriously tired of the B****a**ness in people now a days.
peace and love'

The Warm Up
Okay so after my Tolu post a few days ago, I was basically told it was absolutely necessary to check out this other semi-new dude.
Must say, I was super duper impressed. J.Cole is his name and he was recently singed to Jay-Z's new label, Roc Nation. I'm not gonna give you dude's whole bio, but he's from North Carolina and he's nassstyyyyy.

Since he started making noise, the Drake comparisons have been heavy. And after really listening to him, I have to say.. He has my vote.
I mean that's just my opinion but I'm pretty sure everyone is still too choked up on Drake's semen to realize that this guy is on the next level. Check him out..
And def shouts to the kid Carlos for putting me on !
[J. COLE] ~ The Warm Up (2009) [Explicit]
must give two random props to the kid before I forget...
1. props for using Brandon Hines on a track (Dreams #13 on the playlist)
2. props for using the term cuttie buddie, it's one of those sayings that makes me LIMH. Think about it.
(15 crisp cash lights please makes the single)
Yea guys, don't IM me about the blog.. something to say ? E-mail it. That's why I give you the address.
Must say, I was super duper impressed. J.Cole is his name and he was recently singed to Jay-Z's new label, Roc Nation. I'm not gonna give you dude's whole bio, but he's from North Carolina and he's nassstyyyyy.

Since he started making noise, the Drake comparisons have been heavy. And after really listening to him, I have to say.. He has my vote.
I mean that's just my opinion but I'm pretty sure everyone is still too choked up on Drake's semen to realize that this guy is on the next level. Check him out..
And def shouts to the kid Carlos for putting me on !
[J. COLE] ~ The Warm Up (2009) [Explicit]
must give two random props to the kid before I forget...
1. props for using Brandon Hines on a track (Dreams #13 on the playlist)
2. props for using the term cuttie buddie, it's one of those sayings that makes me LIMH. Think about it.
(15 crisp cash lights please makes the single)
Yea guys, don't IM me about the blog.. something to say ? E-mail it. That's why I give you the address.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
B-Boy, Be My Baby
(Mutya Buena) [[F.Y.I - when the titles of my posts are song titles, the first few words of the post will be the artist!]]
Ally Katt says:
MILF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get it Weezy
Joking.. kinda.. idk... really Miss London ??
I'm sure you could have done better, but heyyy whatever floats your boat.
Oh and no I haven't come across a pic of preggie Nivea

MILF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get it Weezy
Joking.. kinda.. idk... really Miss London ??
I'm sure you could have done better, but heyyy whatever floats your boat.
Oh and no I haven't come across a pic of preggie Nivea
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Silly Boys......C*BlockK Chicks Are Not for Kids!
Miss Jasmine here and I'm about to go in! From now on if your game is not extra extra on point, don't approach me or anybody that I chill with. First of all when you approach me for the first time don't send your friends over to me. That's a no no in my book. But down to the important stuff. Once you start talking to me don't you dare think you run anything because you don't. Some of you silly kids might think that you have enough game that you could make me decide that you would be the only person that I talk to. Well, if I tell you that you are ten times out of ten I'm lying. And no, I'm not a hoe because your doing the same thing.....I might be doing it better but hey thats your fault, not mine.
But because I happen to be such a nice person, I'm going to give you kiddos some advice. Save the lame game for someone else. So your question is "what is lame game Miss Jasmine?" I would answer that question but I would be here forever listing all of the corny ishh that guys have said to me over the years. Just know that if you can't say it with a straight face it most likely fits in the lame game category. Or if you would smack the crap out of your sister if she let some guy say that to her...its lame game.
Eliminating the lame game might be changing your so called 'swag' but trust me you'll benefit from it. You'll have better luck at bagging a C*BlockK chick....maybe =). But most importantly I'll respect you more.
P.S Suscribe to the blog and leave comments.---> THESHITLIST@LIVE.COM
Please and thank you.
I'm outtie....later kiddos!
But because I happen to be such a nice person, I'm going to give you kiddos some advice. Save the lame game for someone else. So your question is "what is lame game Miss Jasmine?" I would answer that question but I would be here forever listing all of the corny ishh that guys have said to me over the years. Just know that if you can't say it with a straight face it most likely fits in the lame game category. Or if you would smack the crap out of your sister if she let some guy say that to her...its lame game.
Eliminating the lame game might be changing your so called 'swag' but trust me you'll benefit from it. You'll have better luck at bagging a C*BlockK chick....maybe =). But most importantly I'll respect you more.
P.S Suscribe to the blog and leave comments.---> THESHITLIST@LIVE.COM
Please and thank you.
I'm outtie....later kiddos!
Ayo Music!
I was thinkin and I decided to switch it up a little bit and let you into my head...
Well not so much that but I'm gonna share with you something you probably haven't heard before.
So there's this new guy that I'm kinda feelin...
His flow is different in a good way. Although he did hop on the autotune bandwagon (-_-) he does it in a unique way, and def doesn't over do it.
Ayo Music by Tolu. Most def a good track, the beat is nice and the lyrics aren't b.s like the majority of hip hop tracks are nowadays. Oh and my favorite part, no naked females. Me talking about how that makes me feel -- a-wholeee-nother post. But yea, he defdef gets a plus in my book.
Yep, so this new/good music type posting may or may not become a regular thing
AllyKatt : OUT !
Well not so much that but I'm gonna share with you something you probably haven't heard before.
So there's this new guy that I'm kinda feelin...
His flow is different in a good way. Although he did hop on the autotune bandwagon (-_-) he does it in a unique way, and def doesn't over do it.
Ayo Music by Tolu. Most def a good track, the beat is nice and the lyrics aren't b.s like the majority of hip hop tracks are nowadays. Oh and my favorite part, no naked females. Me talking about how that makes me feel -- a-wholeee-nother post. But yea, he defdef gets a plus in my book.
Yep, so this new/good music type posting may or may not become a regular thing
AllyKatt : OUT !
A Wise man once said....
Hello my fellow humans.. I decided it was time for another dose of wisdom but this time I think the answer should come from what you get out of this quote...
"If you look CLOSELY we are all FLAWED so in actuality the world is its own "Perfect Person"... with the population as their mind that has these Opinionist Battles on each other by these so called Prosperous inhabitants called Homosapiens, so look into your flawed idol minds and let the perfect world take control of you."
Questions? Comments! people...
"If you look CLOSELY we are all FLAWED so in actuality the world is its own "Perfect Person"... with the population as their mind that has these Opinionist Battles on each other by these so called Prosperous inhabitants called Homosapiens, so look into your flawed idol minds and let the perfect world take control of you."
Questions? Comments! people...
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Something 'Bout the Aye!!
I currently spent the week in one of the freakin hottest places in America.. thats right GEORGIA!! But the thing that bothered me the most was not that you will get a heatstroke walking to the mailbox, but that the southern style was appalling.(Gold Grills, nasty dreads, odee baggy pants and those oversized t-shirts.. all in this HEAT!)sigh!! the things people do.
I think another thing that made me question these southerners were their driving skills and the crazy police. But besides all the negative. the people are friendly, the food is GREAT and the houses are B-E-A-utiful...

iight peace shawty!!!
pce & love
I think another thing that made me question these southerners were their driving skills and the crazy police. But besides all the negative. the people are friendly, the food is GREAT and the houses are B-E-A-utiful...

iight peace shawty!!!
pce & love
Do you remember your very first….?
I bet you thought I was going to ask about your first time having sex but nope that’s not it. I wanna know about your first crush. And if you can’t think that far back try thinking about the last person you had a crush on. Like a omg he/she is so cute and I scribble their name all over my notebook. I know you don’t remember because I sure don’t. So what happened to having crushes on people? Are we too old to have a crush on somebody? Mmmm I don’t think so. Maybe we stopped having them when puberty really set in but who knows. Thanks to AllyKatt & honoarary C*BlockKiee Nyema (they’re the crazy kids that put crushes in my mind) my official mission for the next two weeks is to find somebody to have a crush on. A nice good ol’ fashioned crush and nothing more. You should try it too it’ll be fun!
Well, Miss Jasmine is outta here for now…..later kiddos
Well, Miss Jasmine is outta here for now…..later kiddos
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