Barbados stand up ! We got another one =]
This 17 year old is Capitol Records' newest R&B artist. He's decent, but I'm not sure he's "fresh" (as in original) enough to really make it big.
Additionally, Christina Milian has a new song out, produced by the Dream, I believe (don't quote me on that).
It's kinda cute, different .. but prob not in the way that'll make it a hit...
Chameleon (ft. The-Dream) - Christina Milian
Theres a bunch of other new stuff out there & yea I know, this isn't the best of the bunch but most people would skip over these and listen to like the typical Rick Ross, Vado, Drake stuff. So I make it my job to open those heads of yours.
Subscribe to/follow the freaking blog. I'm tired of yall just reading it for leisure..well I mean that's what its here for but you gotta let your presence be known !! Like the hits are crazy, but nobody shows love =[ If you dont want to follow us (idk why you wouldn't), at least leave comments or emails or something to show us you careee ! We need love toooo !!
..Yea no but really, you know what I'm sayin.
Do it !
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