Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What is happening...

I can not for the life of me understand anything anymore. And I also hate the fact that this is the second time in a row that the only inspiration I have for a blog is something negative. However, compared to the last post, this is beyond ridiculous.

This is for everybody, but it is more specifically directed to a select group/few groups, come see me.

Anybody who has been in a fight.
Anybody who has deliberately hurt someone you dislike.
Anybody who has deliberately hurt someone against whom you have no type of disdain.
Anybody who has unintentionally hurt anyone in any way, shape, or form.
Anybody who is in a gang.
Anybody who wants/wanted to be in a gang.
Anybody who dropped out of school (and didn't attempt to get a GED).
Anybody who steals/has stolen.
Anybody who has jumped someone.
Anybody who has had non-consensual sex, b.k.a rape
Anybody who treats any other person disrespectfully.

One question, why ?
I really and honestly want to have some responses on why you do/have done any of these things.

Where is this coming from, you ask ?
Derrion Albert, 16 years old, Chicago, Illinois.

Like, seriously ? Do you realize what people went through just so we would get an education ?!
What happened to the unity, the love, the good vibes between our people. How did we let it get the the point that we have our children on the street killing each other for no type of reason ?!
When did it get so bad that things like this aren't big news? Why was the response I got from a few people somewhere along the lines of, "Oh, yea that's kinda what happen to my nigga blahblah" or "Yeaa it's never a big deal in my hood"
Why does this not make us take a second look at how we're living !?

Why do I feel like no body is doing anything...like nobody cares ?
Idk, I'm talking, getting my words and feelings out there, hopefully somebody is hearing me.
But I feel one type of way when I see police brutality type of things, but honestly... why do we have marches and demonstrations for that, but all we have is silence when we kill/hurt each other. It's useless..
We're sitting here putting out one message.. a message that I interpret as:
You were right, we're worthless pigs that don't deserve to live.
But at the same time, if someone else wants to do something, we have a problem.

I need someone to make me understand. I wanna get inside your heads, there are some sick and twisted things going on, and I really want to know why....


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Out deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same, As we are liberated from our own fear, out presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson

Thursday, September 17, 2009

She said what ?!....

So, I know it's been a minute, but right now, I'm feeling some type of way and I had to let it out.

If you're a fellow LI kid, I'm sure you heard about the Hofstra chick that was allegedly raped by 5 guys in a dorm on campus after a party. Well, first of all, I don't give a damn what the crime, unless I find you on the scene in the process of doing what ever it is you're doing... innocent until proven guilty. That is the law of the land and it has been for decades. And by that, I mean if some one has ALLEGEDLY commited a crime, I don't find it just to have their mug shots on the news within 2 hours. I feel like...no, it is a violation of rights considering the fact that, until you are actually convicted, you have privacy rights.

More specifically, the 4 men arrested for the Hofstra chick's "gang rape" late Sunday night, had their pictures, names, and business all over local news stations by the early morning segments and all over the monday morning papers, while her identity was held due to fear for safety and blah blah.
But get this....*drum roll*.... she recanted ! (my friends, this means she LIED). Big deal ? Huge.
The biggest injustice is not that she lied, but that the names of these four young men hit the media no sooner than they had been arrested. What does that mean ? That means that people made judgments, which you know they do when they hear words like:
black men
hispanic men
5 of them

..and drew their conclusions. Which eventually leads to an unfair trial by a group of 12 peers who had already made up their minds.

So, what happen to the liar-girl?
Who ? I don't know. What does she look like? I dont know. Where is she from? I don't know.

Oh okay, because I forgot filing a false police report is a felony.

Where is her picture? Where is her name? No where. Yet everybody is so quick to show you the face of a black man who is charged with a crime.

I think this is an issue that can be easily simplified to a case of racisim and sexism. I don't care what the race of the chick is, she is a female.
Had a man filed a false report on a case so serious, I'm sure he would be on the news. I've seen it happen.

So, what I'm basically trying to say is don't believe everything you see (or hear), on the news or not, because you know and I know, as good as anything, that the media is one of the most biased industries in our country.

wattttup !

Ally-Katt over&out


We Have To Do Better Than This!

So it has recently come to my attention that you teens out there are having sex and not wrapping it up. I don't understand why yall are not putting condoms on. You have to know all of the consequences of having unprotected sex. Are you really trying to be someones parent or end up with a STD. A pack of condoms cost a whole lot less than what it cost to raise a baby or medicine for your STD symptoms. More than 1 million American teenagers become pregnant each year. 50% of reported AIDS cases in adolescents 13-19 are African American. I don't know about you but that bothers the hell out of me. AIDS is killing too many people out there and in case you forgot there is no cure!

Honestly this post is really for the females. Don't have a heart attack, let me explain my reason for saying this. Everybody and their mamma knows that society has double standards when it comes to males and females. The second someone finds out that a girl is pregnant, she's automatically the one to be blamed. Everyone seems to forget that guys are involved in this process and they should held accountable for the actions. And lets not forget the first words that comes out of a lot of guys mouth when they find out their shortie is pregnant are "it's not mine". (cough cough can we start that exposing thing now cuz I know a few people like that) Next thing you know we have another kid growing up with out a father. So let's just avoid becoming another statistic and wrap it up!

Ohh yea...ladies, if you're out there having sex it's time for you to stop going to the doctor that gives you a lollipop when your check-up is over.

P.S. if the exposure post applies to you....your hot behind BETTER be the first one on line to buy some condoms.

leave the comments......i know you have something to say

Sunday, September 13, 2009

No shame in that game!!!

It's come to my attention to say without any shame that "NO HOE IS SAFE"!!!!!!!!!!
You may be wondering why is this chick saying no hoe is safe and what does that have to do with anything!. But my friends its come to my attention that so many people are being EXPOSED and I want to make it clear that if you have hoe like qualities you aren't safe anymore,WE ALL KNOW YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS!
Being a user on twitter I have come across countless pictures and comments that have EXPOSED people in many ways, more ways than others.Like seriously if a guy goes" send me a naked pic. its only for my eyes" it means send me a pic for me and all my boys to see. plain and simple. Like if its only for your eyes come over to the house and see it. And what's up with chicks smiling in pictures when a guy just jizzed all over your face and weave since when was that shit funny or cute. And why are you posing and smiling when you have a D*ck in your mouth come on show some decorum. We seriously need to stop making people think its cute that the whole community has a had piece of that ass. Suppose you get married what goodness is your husband gonna feel?
Humph. And if you an undercover hoe, keep it up and don't slip up because you might be EXPOSED! (sidebar: this goes for guys also, you know if you nasty or not)

but im out. question/comments
signed lindA.