Monday, November 30, 2009
Gone but Not Forgotten
Well I hate to cry when a person dies, but at times I just can't help it. I've come to believe that God lets people die because he needs them more than we do and they get to go to Heaven and be at peace.
Well this blog is for Tyrell D. Spencer
When I met you were the funniest most, loving dude. Trying to make something of himself no matter how broke you were, you kept going. And now your gone and we miss you but your in a better place looking down on us being our guardian angel.
That's all I can write, at this moment RIP Ty. we love and miss you.
Check this Link out in remembrance of Tyrell
No Shame in that Game
Im sorry but after today i had to put this lovely post by Linda up again
It's come to my attention to say without any shame that "NO HOE IS SAFE"!!!!!!!!!!
You may be wondering why is this chick saying no hoe is safe and what does that have to do with anything!. But my friends its come to my attention that so many people are being EXPOSED and I want to make it clear that if you have hoe like qualities you aren't safe anymore,WE ALL KNOW YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS!
Being a user on twitter I have come across countless pictures and comments that have EXPOSED people in many ways, more ways than others.Like seriously if a guy goes" send me a naked pic. its only for my eyes" it means send me a pic for me and all my boys to see. plain and simple. Like if its only for your eyes come over to the house and see it. And what's up with chicks smiling in pictures when a guy just jizzed all over your face and weave since when was that shit funny or cute. And why are you posing and smiling when you have a D*ck in your mouth come on show some decorum. We seriously need to stop making people think its cute that the whole community has a had piece of that ass. Suppose you get married what goodness is your husband gonna feel?
Humph. And if you an undercover hoe, keep it up and don't slip up because you might be EXPOSED! (sidebar: this goes for guys also, you know if you nasty or not)
but im out. question/comments
signed lindA.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Read this article and let me know what you think.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Silly Boys......C*BlockK Chicks Are Not for Kids! (Pt II)
"you think ur boyfriend is gonna mind if i come see you"
"i wanna see you"
LAME GAME. don't wanna hear it. dudes hit up females after like 3 years with that, so what am I supposed to say, "Aww that's so sweet ! Here, have my vagina." I think not. I just wanna know, is that sh*t for serious ? []yes []no
if you checked yes, what female has that worked on ?
smh what is this world coming to.
November 27th.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
2 cents
their commercials are disgusting & degrading.
i'm not even going to post the link because I feel like that would be some sort of like advertisement or something. anyway, that just made me super mad. like super duper. shit. honestly ?
makes no sense.none at all. has nothing to do with anything.
Talk About Being Bold
Just in case your wondering what he looked like he was your typical guy.....nothing spectacular but you would give him that second look if you needed a quick fix if you know what mean. How you doin' ? (Wendy voice......I'm watching it and I just had to include it in here somewhere)
November 27.
3rd Annual Black Friday Party
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Reduce, Reuse,..
So I just realized the importance of recycling & reusing and how it leads to reduced annoyingocity. (I guess they do teach us some valuable things in school.)
It is very important to realize, ladies and gentlemen, the value of recycling.
The other night, I was home, doing nothing but sitting and thinking about how I shouldn't be doing nothing or at least doing something more than just sitting and thinking because I wasn't really in a sitting or thinking type mood even though that's what I was doing. ...& there was no one I felt like talking to or seeing because it was one of those I've seen/talked to everyone a little too much for my liking type of days. But anyway, sitting there in my aloneified state thinking, I realized the pure value of recycling. Like seriously, recycling can save our lives.
I had a plan. I would, instead of thinking about what I had at that moment, start recycling and reusing. *Okay so likee what are you tryin to get at, Ally Katt?* Geeze, patience please !
Goodness. Okay um.. recycling !
So yea, I decided to hit up shortie from freshman year ! Which was an even better idea than I thought it would be. He knew what it was, I knew what it was, we knew what it was, so none of that lame game b.s yall like to fling around all the time (see: Miss Jasmine's "Silly Boys..." post here) & that saved me some eye-rollin, head-shakin, deep-sighin, time-wastin...whatever.
Yea but you also have to be careful when you decide to start recycling. B.c overtime, things do turn green & sour & ugly. And just a warning, if there was a reason BESIDES boredom that you stopped talking to this whoever of a person, it was probably a good reason & ya really should let that one stay in the trash. Just FYI. Guess what else !! Recycling and reusing can be a group effort !
*Oh hey, you done with that....see-saw ?
*Yep, I surly am !
*Oh thats cool.. how was it ?
*It was pretty freakin sweet.
*Cool !
*Yea ! OMG ! You should totally give it a try !!
*Nice ! I love when we reuse and recycle as a group ! Now I already know that this...see-saw is pretty freakin sweet and already know the deal !
Because that is EXACTLY how the conversation would go.
moral of this story, save time, recycle.
November 27th.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Friday, November 06, 2009
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
ehem, so uhmm...
That was crazy.
But nothing tops this, this lady is allergic to her husbands ... semen.
no, lie.. I had to limh a little bit.
smh, yikes.. peep it:|aim|dl3|link1|
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Welcome to the club!
Why is this so special?
Well it is MISS JASMINE'S BIRTHDAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've known this chick for about 13 years (that's basically my whole life!) and Thoughout the years we always seemed to stay close. Even though some may not understand our undying LOVE for each other we don't care because were just that cool not to care what you think about us. She may be small but she got a big heart. She's yells at me when I don't come to school so I'm always there because she forces me to be.
From trying to get Mr. Lipson fired because we hated him to coming to lay on my bed at 1 in the morning because I have the BEST bed ever.
I love this lil lady with all my heart and she finally caught up to us (youngin)
So basically this is my (small) dedication to her.

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Excuse my mistake
Since when does a "poppin party" mean a bunch of people standing around bumpin in their own world.
Since when do people go to a party to stand around.
Since when did LI parties become so lame.
Since when, you ask ?
..Since November 28, 2008.
These are the words straight from YOUR mouths. I'm not making this up. This is not a joke.
You guys want this, NEED this, so we're bringing it.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party is on. Fcuk a team name, we're giving it to you straight up. Ally Katt & Miss Jasmine are doing this again. Yeaaa you better know it.
Details are on the way. But as for now I can tell you this much:
The party on friday at the church. NOT poppin.
The party saturday at that house. NOT poppin.
The party Nov. 27th. You'll realize what you've been missing.
It really makes me mad when we ask ppl how it is and yall be like "oh yea mad heads come thru"
I didn't ask you how many freakin people were there. "Mad heads" does NOT mean I wanna be there. "Mad heads" does NOT mean it's a good party.
HOWEVER, at the upcoming 3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party, I can promise you that there will be "mad heads" and at the same time, it will be mega poppin. Pinky swear.
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Ask about it.