Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Talk About Being Bold

Okay I might be overreacting to what happened to me earlier but I don't really care because it almost pissed me the hell off. I was outside in front of my house getting ready to cross the street when this 23 year old guy (he told me that when I told him he was too old for me) in a blue car decides he's going to stop traffic so that he could talk to me. Oh did I mention his pops was in the car. Seriously?! Like were you trying to show your pops how you bag random little girls in the street? But I think what really made me mad was the fact that he addressed me saying "yo ma". And everybody and their mamma knows that I hate that shit. Don't F'n call me ma.....I'm not your mother. Grrrrr just makes my blood boil when I think about it.

Just in case your wondering what he looked like he was your typical guy.....nothing spectacular but you would give him that second look if you needed a quick fix if you know what mean. How you doin' ? (Wendy voice......I'm watching it and I just had to include it in here somewhere)

Mark your calendars.

November 27.
3rd Annual Black Friday Party

1 comment:

  1. i swear i commented this

    but grossss ! lmao he is some sort of seriously sick soul
