Thursday, March 25, 2010

whuss guuud

It's been a minute. But I'd just like to let you all know, there is going to be a mass migration from all over the country to California. Why ? Because they're legalizing Mary Jane. She's been banned since always, and now it's time to set her freeeeee.

But really though, I don't know why the Federal Gov't. doesn't realized that a little national legalization schbeal would do sooooo much for the economy. Not only would it majorly reduce any outstanding debts, it would take pressure off having these unnecessary arrests/trials/convictions (especially in NY under that godforsaken Rockefeller law). Aaandd some violence would be down. Aaaand it would just be awesome. So hop on that !

Sorry though, kids..It'd be like alcohol, and ya gotta be 21 to buy it (which I think the legal age sould be 18, but that's a different story). And sale would be limited to an ounce at a time. Lol.

Don't get me wrong. I don't smoke. But this is like, the most monumental piece of legislature to be passed during my lifetime. Fuggedabouwd the Healcare reform ishh. This is REAL. (Lol at how ignorant that sounds)

But nah yea, 433,971 signatures were needed. Yikes, that was a lot.. must have been a struggle. Know how many they got?
Point proven? I think so.

Here's a short little article, because I know how you kids are about your reading nowadays.


1 comment:

  1. honestly I think that would be smart as hell. it would bring in mad cash.
