Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Excessive Force?!?!

Hey blog people its been a while since I've been here but Miss Jasmine is back. A (black) guy in Tennessee, Alonzo Heyward, was shot at 59 times by 6 white officers. Apparently he was holding a riffle in front of his porch while talking about commiting suicide and the cops decided it was time for the situation to end. The officers felt he was a "danger to others" and the only way to deal with him was to shoot at him 59 times leaving him with 43 wounds in his chest, face, arms, hands, legs, buttocks, and groin. His girlfriend and neighbor witnessed the shooting and said he was lying down on the porch before the cops opened fire and he never threatned anyone.

Wow is it just me or is this another situation where the cops obviously use excessive force when it comes time to deal with black men in America. And if you wanna say it had nothing to do with his race, can you honestly tell me 59 shots were required? Think about it.> let us know how you feel


  1. Wrd just like those two whites cop that body slammed this i think 74 yrs black woman what a shame..
