Hey blog readers... its been a while since any of us had something to write about. Its almost like their was no inspiration out there but when it was really right under my nose!..
I've been noticing that people often get upset when they feel as if they haven't had a sense of "Closure".What is "closure" you ask? Its a sense of knowing that whatever it was, was put to an end a sense of completion or just knowing that whatever it was doesn't need to be spoken about again because its finish like a book THE END. But knowing me I found this was a LIE. LIES we all have been telling ourselves for years, like who really needs closure to know that something is ended sometimes things are better left open and unsaid. Why are you putting yourselves in a wanting to end everything lifestyle, good things don't have to end and believe it of not bad things will ALWAYS happen sooner or later if not to you, someone that you know. So people PLEASE stop tricking yourself into thinking that you have closure on something just because you put a THE END sign on it. That doesn't mean another story isn't brewing up!
Like is there really something called "closure" or is it just our minds playing a trick on us making it seem like we are done?
think about it.yo
yoo which one of yall wrote this ?