Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year, Same Stuff
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
(uhh) and another one
2009. Good year, agreed?
What was your most/least favorite part? hmmm.....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I don't even know why I'm posting this. This is really one of those things nobody should ever see. W.e I guess..........
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
F*%k you Man
Why should MALES have the double standard or upper hand when it comes to "relations" with FEMALES.?
So a boy sleeps with the whole world and is called the "man". But if a female was to do that she would labeled as a hoe.
Why has society given us this bias set of rules guys go crazy and we girls are told to "act like a lady."[wth does that mean]
If was up to me it would be socially wrong for a female AND male to sleep with the whole world that's just plain nasty and can lead to many unwanted pregnancies, STD's, as well as many other dirty things.
I want to meet the person who wrote these "rules" because just like the constitution needs an occasional change, so do these rules.( I'm just saying)
so I say this with every ounce in my body
Live your life whether you are male or female and if someone has a problem tell them to look up incongruous and pathetic.
Sunday, December 13, 2009

I found a new group that I kinda like.
Probably b.c I have a thing for Asians.
But you already knew that.
They sort of at first glance remind me of TLC, style-wise. (Left Eye ? -------->>)
Well, maybe in the sense that they both have a "pop" sort of thing going on.
But they really aren't similar at all.
Anyway, take a look-see.

While you're at it, take a listen-hear.
^^They're on their Kanye-tip..
They have two versions of this video, I kinda like this one better, prob b.c it's the first one I saw.
I'm not sure how good they actually are. Or how much I actually like them.
They're just mad pretty & the music is fun & I like the part with the drums & there are a lot of lights and colors and sounds and shinies and distracting stuff.
Don't judge me.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Attention All Females
Feel free to leave contact information of any females you think need to be at one of the sessions.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dear Santa,

These little girls from the Bronx wrote a letter to Santa because they're cold and need coats. Understandable.
(CLICK if you want to read the full story)

What makes this so postable ?
Why are these girls who are so cold at night that they send out 20 letters to Santa wearing halter tops ?
Not that serious at all, but it caught my eye.
if you like us, you'll like him.. pinky promise. check it out.
JiBBsz !
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Well um....
more power to him for doing this........
(thanks lenny)
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Piece of My HeArt
I wanna Love, Hate & rejoice all at the same time. Makes me wanna go hug-a-tree( but i won't)
So read it my fellow aliens... its called Parallels by D.L. Whited, love it, hate it don't care about just read it and be inspired!!!
I saw an aging flower today
All alone and slowly dying
A single tear slid down my cheek
I felt better for the crying
There is so much deep inside
That I keep hidden out of sight
Walls of pain that I put up
Built to hide me from the light
Could you take away the hurt
If I reached blindly for your hand
Or would you simply turn away
And not want to understand
So many reasons I hold on
None of which I can explain
But my time will one day end
Like a gentle summer rain
I saw an aging flower today
All alone and slowly dying
A single tear slid down my cheek
I felt better for the crying
Monday, December 07, 2009
Who (out of these 5 people) would you pay $35 to see perform (think about your top two):
J. Cole
I'm putting it into a poll which you will be able to find if you glance to the left.
answers are anonymous, stop b*tching .
In due time, I'll let you know who won & where you can pick up tickets.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Real Life
All I have to do is hit submit.
but that means it's all real ...
It means I'm either in or I'm out.. it means either I make it or I don't .. it means I'm flying or I'm falling...
well, depending on whose standards you're judging by anyway.
Wish me luck
Thursday, December 03, 2009
A whole new eckalon of terrible.
I saw some dude, probably in his early to mid-twenties, sagging his pants. *okay Ally Katt so what? what's the problem?* not a problem.
The problem is....(drum roll please) shorty had no draws on ! Butt crack all types of out .
He was deadass too. Like he leaned over to put something in his trunk and I had to do a triple take to make sure i wasn't buggin. And let me tell you, I wasn't. Then he had the nerve to pull them up. You know that fake ass pull up your pants even tho you know they're gonna fall right back down so its pointless in the first place next time you shouldn't waste your time type pull up ? . Yea well that's what happened . The sh*t I be seeing man . I need to keep a picturetaker with me because I swear ya'll wouldn't believe the half of it .
^ju know^
oh oh p.s 1100 views ? thanks errbody ! =]
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Seriously, enough already
Who the hell cares yo. OMGSH another affluent male having an affair ? NO WAY !
why does this sh*t still make the news ?
WHO CARES ! honestly... let Tiger be.
B.c I bet half the people talking bull have had some kind of scandel/scandle(?) their damnd self. Def not worthy of this amount of publicity though. Once again, who gives a flying effyewseakay.
I'm not saying it's okay to cheat on your WIFE. I'm saying if it's not YOU OR YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER doing the cheating (or the one a married person is with), it. is. not. your. business.
Leave it alone. Dude crashed a car. Why'd you have to make it something it's not. Freaking stupid crap. grr.. let someone get caught because they get caught. Obviously his wife was on the trail .. You (media & sh*t) kill the fun when you go investigating and publishing on your own. You know ?
Like if I'm with somebody and they're cheating and I know it. I wanna do a whole spy movie sh*t and shove it in their face all dramatic like. I don't want some random third party person coming and and putting it out there before I get a chance.
Sh*t's crazy out here my G.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
World AIDS Day
Remember unprotected sex is a mistake you can't erase.
- No Glove, No Love
- Wrap it up or back it up
Monday, November 30, 2009
Gone but Not Forgotten
Well I hate to cry when a person dies, but at times I just can't help it. I've come to believe that God lets people die because he needs them more than we do and they get to go to Heaven and be at peace.
Well this blog is for Tyrell D. Spencer
When I met you were the funniest most, loving dude. Trying to make something of himself no matter how broke you were, you kept going. And now your gone and we miss you but your in a better place looking down on us being our guardian angel.
That's all I can write, at this moment RIP Ty. we love and miss you.
Check this Link out in remembrance of Tyrell
No Shame in that Game
Im sorry but after today i had to put this lovely post by Linda up again
It's come to my attention to say without any shame that "NO HOE IS SAFE"!!!!!!!!!!
You may be wondering why is this chick saying no hoe is safe and what does that have to do with anything!. But my friends its come to my attention that so many people are being EXPOSED and I want to make it clear that if you have hoe like qualities you aren't safe anymore,WE ALL KNOW YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS!
Being a user on twitter I have come across countless pictures and comments that have EXPOSED people in many ways, more ways than others.Like seriously if a guy goes" send me a naked pic. its only for my eyes" it means send me a pic for me and all my boys to see. plain and simple. Like if its only for your eyes come over to the house and see it. And what's up with chicks smiling in pictures when a guy just jizzed all over your face and weave since when was that shit funny or cute. And why are you posing and smiling when you have a D*ck in your mouth come on show some decorum. We seriously need to stop making people think its cute that the whole community has a had piece of that ass. Suppose you get married what goodness is your husband gonna feel?
Humph. And if you an undercover hoe, keep it up and don't slip up because you might be EXPOSED! (sidebar: this goes for guys also, you know if you nasty or not)
but im out. question/comments
signed lindA.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Read this article and let me know what you think.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Silly Boys......C*BlockK Chicks Are Not for Kids! (Pt II)
"you think ur boyfriend is gonna mind if i come see you"
"i wanna see you"
LAME GAME. don't wanna hear it. dudes hit up females after like 3 years with that, so what am I supposed to say, "Aww that's so sweet ! Here, have my vagina." I think not. I just wanna know, is that sh*t for serious ? []yes []no
if you checked yes, what female has that worked on ?
smh what is this world coming to.
November 27th.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
2 cents
their commercials are disgusting & degrading.
i'm not even going to post the link because I feel like that would be some sort of like advertisement or something. anyway, that just made me super mad. like super duper. shit. honestly ?
makes no sense.none at all. has nothing to do with anything.
Talk About Being Bold
Just in case your wondering what he looked like he was your typical guy.....nothing spectacular but you would give him that second look if you needed a quick fix if you know what mean. How you doin' ? (Wendy voice......I'm watching it and I just had to include it in here somewhere)
November 27.
3rd Annual Black Friday Party
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Reduce, Reuse,..
So I just realized the importance of recycling & reusing and how it leads to reduced annoyingocity. (I guess they do teach us some valuable things in school.)
It is very important to realize, ladies and gentlemen, the value of recycling.
The other night, I was home, doing nothing but sitting and thinking about how I shouldn't be doing nothing or at least doing something more than just sitting and thinking because I wasn't really in a sitting or thinking type mood even though that's what I was doing. ...& there was no one I felt like talking to or seeing because it was one of those I've seen/talked to everyone a little too much for my liking type of days. But anyway, sitting there in my aloneified state thinking, I realized the pure value of recycling. Like seriously, recycling can save our lives.
I had a plan. I would, instead of thinking about what I had at that moment, start recycling and reusing. *Okay so likee what are you tryin to get at, Ally Katt?* Geeze, patience please !
Goodness. Okay um.. recycling !
So yea, I decided to hit up shortie from freshman year ! Which was an even better idea than I thought it would be. He knew what it was, I knew what it was, we knew what it was, so none of that lame game b.s yall like to fling around all the time (see: Miss Jasmine's "Silly Boys..." post here) & that saved me some eye-rollin, head-shakin, deep-sighin, time-wastin...whatever.
Yea but you also have to be careful when you decide to start recycling. B.c overtime, things do turn green & sour & ugly. And just a warning, if there was a reason BESIDES boredom that you stopped talking to this whoever of a person, it was probably a good reason & ya really should let that one stay in the trash. Just FYI. Guess what else !! Recycling and reusing can be a group effort !
*Oh hey, you done with that....see-saw ?
*Yep, I surly am !
*Oh thats cool.. how was it ?
*It was pretty freakin sweet.
*Cool !
*Yea ! OMG ! You should totally give it a try !!
*Nice ! I love when we reuse and recycle as a group ! Now I already know that this...see-saw is pretty freakin sweet and already know the deal !
Because that is EXACTLY how the conversation would go.
moral of this story, save time, recycle.
November 27th.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Friday, November 06, 2009
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
ehem, so uhmm...
That was crazy.
But nothing tops this, this lady is allergic to her husbands ... semen.
no, lie.. I had to limh a little bit.
smh, yikes.. peep it:|aim|dl3|link1|
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Welcome to the club!
Why is this so special?
Well it is MISS JASMINE'S BIRTHDAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've known this chick for about 13 years (that's basically my whole life!) and Thoughout the years we always seemed to stay close. Even though some may not understand our undying LOVE for each other we don't care because were just that cool not to care what you think about us. She may be small but she got a big heart. She's yells at me when I don't come to school so I'm always there because she forces me to be.
From trying to get Mr. Lipson fired because we hated him to coming to lay on my bed at 1 in the morning because I have the BEST bed ever.
I love this lil lady with all my heart and she finally caught up to us (youngin)
So basically this is my (small) dedication to her.

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Excuse my mistake
Since when does a "poppin party" mean a bunch of people standing around bumpin in their own world.
Since when do people go to a party to stand around.
Since when did LI parties become so lame.
Since when, you ask ?
..Since November 28, 2008.
These are the words straight from YOUR mouths. I'm not making this up. This is not a joke.
You guys want this, NEED this, so we're bringing it.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party is on. Fcuk a team name, we're giving it to you straight up. Ally Katt & Miss Jasmine are doing this again. Yeaaa you better know it.
Details are on the way. But as for now I can tell you this much:
The party on friday at the church. NOT poppin.
The party saturday at that house. NOT poppin.
The party Nov. 27th. You'll realize what you've been missing.
It really makes me mad when we ask ppl how it is and yall be like "oh yea mad heads come thru"
I didn't ask you how many freakin people were there. "Mad heads" does NOT mean I wanna be there. "Mad heads" does NOT mean it's a good party.
HOWEVER, at the upcoming 3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party, I can promise you that there will be "mad heads" and at the same time, it will be mega poppin. Pinky swear.
November 27th, it's on.
Save the date.
Spread the word.
3rd Annual BLACK FRIDAY party.
Ask about it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
15 bucks little man
Lights Please came on my car radio yesterday.
Pay up.
(peep my July 10th post - 'The Warm Up')
So breath in the coke about to come in thru your speakers and don't forget to clean up your nose after.
He's name is 88-Keys and this T.D.O.A. ( The Death of Adam)
88-Keys - The Death of Adam
Like what you hear, lets us know. blow it up.
One fish, two fish
November is here !
you know what that means....
Thanksgiving is coming !
you know what that means...
Now listen up, if you are anybody who is anybody, you have been lucky enough to get in to either the BLACK FRIDAYparty last year or the first one ever in '07.
But this yearrrr, times is tough man. So as of riiite now, it's not even for sure for sure :(
But um in the mean time, we got everything else pretty much planned out, with a special...
Yes ladies and gentlemen, this one is about to be unlike the last two (if things go as planned) in the best way.
Go 'head, start spreading the word, the BLACK FRIDAY party MIGHT be on.. ( actually, I'm not sure if that's a good word to spread. ) So wait it out a little bit longer for further details, we will sure as anything keep you in the loop.
Yea so on the real real, tell us (how badly you're dying for us to have this party. In the words of others we "so gotta have it" b.c it's "crazy live every time" (psh and that was before, just wait and see.
Emails, comments, what ever you wantt.
^mhmm. do it, you know you want to.^
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Twerk Team!!!!!!
Homage to Sarah
And I'm kinda upset because someone SABOTAGED her!!!!!!!!!!! Yes i said it SABOTAGE.
And all because they were jealous because her ceramics project looked better than there's.
They deliberately popped a whole in her bag in order to get (steal) one of her blending tools. How fake of you to do that. lol . Like seriously!!! And we all know who it was. It was G****,(we don't wanna expose you too much.) And when Sarah was like " omg there's a hole in my bag she was like"wow forreal"!! SMH you know you did it. Don't act like you don't know..
So I had to expose this because, that just ain't right.
SMH.... but its all good because her project still gonna look better than yours!!!!
What influenced you to apply to this school?
When I visited the campus two years ago, I was feelin the vibe and ever since then, I wanted to go there. No research, no studies, I just knew I wanted to go.
But no, they say I can't write that in my admissions essay so that means I'm gonna have to b.s it. Which is b.s. If that's why I want to apply, can't that alone just simply be the reason ?
Not if I want to get in the school, it can't. Sooo now what ?
I don't know. I hate this, it's really annoying. I sound like a 3 year old.
But seriously though, why is that not a good enough reason ?
If you give me, a good reason as to why my reason is not a good reason, then that just may be a reason that will make me re-evaluate my reasoning and come up with a reasonably better reason. Because, to have me change my reasoning of what influenced me to apply to [school X] on some sort of widely accepted reason that one chooses a school based solely on his/her research of said institution is just absurd. If I liked the school for absolutely no reason except that my gut told me that it felt right, I think that that is the best reason there is to choose a school.
This feeling of "rightness" ladies and gentlemen, is why I want to go to a school. I don't want to end up at some place that showed me lists and statistics on why I should choose them. Only to get there and realize that it is not at all the place for me. By then, it is already a little too late.
So don't make me force out a b.s essay on what influenced me when I feel that my reason is perfectly fine as it stands.
Otherwise, I'll just sit here and sulk.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
=] !
Anyway, as you may or may not and, in that case are about to find out, know, iPlay volleyball. Now, as you all do not know but will henceforth know because I am about to tell you, is I do not play..volleyball. -_-
I sprained my ankle..(b*tch sh*t if you ask me)
Yessiree bob. But don't worry, it's okay.. Doc said I only have to stay off of it for 14 days. whew !
I thought I was gonna miss the whole second half of the season.
(How many days are left in the season, Ally Katt?)
one.. two... mmm carry the one, plus 3....
x_x great.
So folks, that's all for my volleyball career. B.c honestly, I'm not gonna play in college..I'm too not tall and too not good for that.
Oh well.. it's been real.
Guess that means I'm actually gonna have to start my college/scholarship essays ?
Yeaaaaaaaaaa I doubt it.
Financial Aid...
I'm upset with the financial aid in this country, seriously you people need to jump down with 2009 because last time I checked we were in a RECESSION (>=O). These colleges that we are applying to are so expensive like wtheck I don't have Bill Gates money!!!
So while recently applying to various colleges I was slapped with this reality "Even though I do get accepted into this college I will not be able to go because it is too expensive."(>=O) ( way to crush my dreams !!!)
For a household of 6 to get SUNY financial aid they say you must have a yearly income of $53,600.(>=O) ARE YOU KIDDING ME WHO CAN REALLY LIVE IN A HOUSEHOLD WITH SIX PEOPLE AND MAKE THIS MUCH MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is insane!
I feel as if they need to adjust the amounts of money they deem acceptable because a family in New York let alone the United States can not live on that income a year that is totally unacceptable.
States school have become way more competitive and private college well good luck to you. Either you take out a loan and pay it for the rest of your life, get a scholarship or pray to GOD that a miracle will happen because this is just to much for me(>=O)
well that's it for this post! question, comments, concerns leave one here or at
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
So! Instead of being proactive and doing apps/essays/SAT prep.... iblog. :)
So hey blogateers ! Senior year is... a waste of time ? yea, pretty much. It's fun and all, but seriously I have everything I need to make it in the college world. I'm lying, but I just don't feel like doing anything, nahmean ? Anyone wanna make a quick $0.23 ? All you have to do is write a couple of decent essays. COOL! SIMPLE! -.-
Yea, any way ... for some reason, Linda's post put me in the mood to listen to Faithful by Raphael Saadiq (even though it's the complete opposite of it)... but so right now I'm jammin out with him. May I say.. its a hell of a lot better than the Common App.
Today, the dean of my school told me I couldn't wear a mickey mouse pin. NOT COOL!
Next week, we have off monday (columbus day), school on tuesday, off on wednesday (PSATs for juniors/sophs/frosh), school on thursday (except I'm going with the freshman on retreat, so it doesn't count), and then this thing Marathon Day.. which basically means I'm gonna be playing volleyball all day. B.S week ? Yes I do believe so.
Oh, chicks are dumb and guys are idiots. Thats why I'm glad I'm a C*BlocKk chick (incase you didn't already know, we're on a whole different ackalon*). I'll let Miss Jasmine elaborate though, she's been saying she's going to for a minute now. SLACKIN!
We played a terrrrriibleeee game yesterday, and my coach gave us off today? Yea. STUPID!
Not to mention we play the best team in the league tomorrow. blah.
I'm done now, Raphael told me to leave.
Chao, now.
P.S 630+ views, but nobody wants to follow except TWO people ? sad face. make me happy ?
And my Sister right here just laid it all out on the stage, seems as if she were talking to me directly and telling me exactly how she felt and since I love you guys imma continue by sharing this with you.
And this last video is a special video which is near and dear to me by my absolute favorite poet Shihan
Show some love by leaving a comment or subscribing to us.
Friday, October 02, 2009
A man of peace.
Gandhi who was born October 2, 1869 was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader if India during the Indian independence movement. Gandhi first employed non-violent civil disobedience while an expatriate lawyer in South Africa, during the resident Indian community's struggle for civil rights. After his return to India in 1915, he faced many acts of discrimination against him and fellow Indian person who were opposed by the Europeans that is when he organized protests by peasants, farmers, and urban laborers concerning excessive land-tax and discrimination.
Gandhi employed non-cooperation, non-violence and peaceful resistance as his "weapons" in the struggle against the British. ( who forced high taxes on food crops causing extreme poverty.)
Gandhi had 6 principles in which he followed
1. Truth
He dedicated his whole life into the purpose of discovering the truth. He tried to achieve this by learning from his own mistakes and conducting experiments on himself. Gandi made his belief was the "Truth is God"
2. Nonviolence
Although Mahatama Gandhi was not the originator of the principle of non-violence, he was the first to apply it in the political field on a huge scale.
In his autobiography The Story of My Experiments with Truth he stated:
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always."
"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?"
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for."
Though this it showed that nonviolence can solve many problems other than resulting to war!
3. Vegetarianism
The idea of vegetarianism is deeply ingrained in Hindu and Jain traditions in India, and, in his native land of Gujarat, most Hindus were vegetarian and so are almost all Jains.
Brahmacharya is spiritual and practical purity largely associated with celibacy and asceticism. ( Asceticism is the doctrine that a person can attain a high spiritual and moral state by practicing self-denial, self-mortification, and the like.) Gandhi saw Brahmacharya as a means of becoming close with God and as a primary foundation for self realization.
He began by renouncing the western lifestyle he was leading in South Africa. He called it "reducing himself to zero," which entailed giving up unnecessary expenditure, embracing a simple lifestyle and washing his own clothes.
He believed in keeping your faith, he believed all religions to be equal, and rejected all efforts to convert him to a different faith.
I'm not saying lets all go and be Gandhi but I'm showing you that one man made a difference by settling things in a peaceful and spiritual manner and he should be remembered just as Martin Luther King Jr is remembered.
Christ gave us the goals and Mahatma Gandhi the tactics.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Questions,Comments, Concerns..
Thursday, October 01, 2009
A few words from someone "cooler" than Ally-Katt
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the lost of a love one was never cool.
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling, that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, any one. But....
We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, Fila sneakers, and name plate chains. Deaths over "he say, she say"!!!!! "I'm from this block or I'm from that block", or "my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay"!!!
I remember feeling like I was the hardest "n*gga" breathing. And I couldn't wait to prove it. But let's think. What are we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state feels your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.
You have the ability and mindpower to change they way we are looked at. Look who's watching us young warriors, look who's throwing us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Loving to bury us in the ground or in jail where we continue this worthless war on one another.
Young warriors.... We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz this movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, Boys n the Hood , Blood n Blood Out, Belly!
When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS....and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the almighty. I'm with you young warriors. You're me and I'm you. But trust me! you are fighting the wrong war.
This sh*t sucks !!
Your fight should to be about becoming bigger and better. To have your own businesses. Real businesses Not Hustles. To have careers not jobs. Not selling mixtapes. You have the resources to do anything you want. There's no excuses. We have no one to blame butourselves.. We have so much great work to do!!!
Since Nas said it maybe you'll take this into consideration <----abuse it!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What is happening...
This is for everybody, but it is more specifically directed to a select group/few groups, come see me.
Anybody who has been in a fight.
Anybody who has deliberately hurt someone you dislike.
Anybody who has deliberately hurt someone against whom you have no type of disdain.
Anybody who has unintentionally hurt anyone in any way, shape, or form.
Anybody who is in a gang.
Anybody who wants/wanted to be in a gang.
Anybody who dropped out of school (and didn't attempt to get a GED).
Anybody who steals/has stolen.
Anybody who has jumped someone.
Anybody who has had non-consensual sex, b.k.a rape
Anybody who treats any other person disrespectfully.
One question, why ?
I really and honestly want to have some responses on why you do/have done any of these things.
Where is this coming from, you ask ?
Derrion Albert, 16 years old, Chicago, Illinois.
Like, seriously ? Do you realize what people went through just so we would get an education ?!
What happened to the unity, the love, the good vibes between our people. How did we let it get the the point that we have our children on the street killing each other for no type of reason ?!
When did it get so bad that things like this aren't big news? Why was the response I got from a few people somewhere along the lines of, "Oh, yea that's kinda what happen to my nigga blahblah" or "Yeaa it's never a big deal in my hood"
Why does this not make us take a second look at how we're living !?
Why do I feel like no body is doing nobody cares ?
Idk, I'm talking, getting my words and feelings out there, hopefully somebody is hearing me.
But I feel one type of way when I see police brutality type of things, but honestly... why do we have marches and demonstrations for that, but all we have is silence when we kill/hurt each other. It's useless..
We're sitting here putting out one message.. a message that I interpret as:
You were right, we're worthless pigs that don't deserve to live.
But at the same time, if someone else wants to do something, we have a problem.
I need someone to make me understand. I wanna get inside your heads, there are some sick and twisted things going on, and I really want to know why....
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Out deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same, As we are liberated from our own fear, out presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson
Thursday, September 17, 2009
She said what ?!....
So, I know it's been a minute, but right now, I'm feeling some type of way and I had to let it out.
If you're a fellow LI kid, I'm sure you heard about the Hofstra chick that was allegedly raped by 5 guys in a dorm on campus after a party. Well, first of all, I don't give a damn what the crime, unless I find you on the scene in the process of doing what ever it is you're doing... innocent until proven guilty. That is the law of the land and it has been for decades. And by that, I mean if some one has ALLEGEDLY commited a crime, I don't find it just to have their mug shots on the news within 2 hours. I feel, it is a violation of rights considering the fact that, until you are actually convicted, you have privacy rights.
More specifically, the 4 men arrested for the Hofstra chick's "gang rape" late Sunday night, had their pictures, names, and business all over local news stations by the early morning segments and all over the monday morning papers, while her identity was held due to fear for safety and blah blah.
But get this....*drum roll*.... she recanted ! (my friends, this means she LIED). Big deal ? Huge.
The biggest injustice is not that she lied, but that the names of these four young men hit the media no sooner than they had been arrested. What does that mean ? That means that people made judgments, which you know they do when they hear words like:
black men
hispanic men
5 of them
..and drew their conclusions. Which eventually leads to an unfair trial by a group of 12 peers who had already made up their minds.
So, what happen to the liar-girl?
Who ? I don't know. What does she look like? I dont know. Where is she from? I don't know.
Oh okay, because I forgot filing a false police report is a felony.
Where is her picture? Where is her name? No where. Yet everybody is so quick to show you the face of a black man who is charged with a crime.
I think this is an issue that can be easily simplified to a case of racisim and sexism. I don't care what the race of the chick is, she is a female.
Had a man filed a false report on a case so serious, I'm sure he would be on the news. I've seen it happen.
So, what I'm basically trying to say is don't believe everything you see (or hear), on the news or not, because you know and I know, as good as anything, that the media is one of the most biased industries in our country.
wattttup !
Ally-Katt over&out
We Have To Do Better Than This!
Honestly this post is really for the females. Don't have a heart attack, let me explain my reason for saying this. Everybody and their mamma knows that society has double standards when it comes to males and females. The second someone finds out that a girl is pregnant, she's automatically the one to be blamed. Everyone seems to forget that guys are involved in this process and they should held accountable for the actions. And lets not forget the first words that comes out of a lot of guys mouth when they find out their shortie is pregnant are "it's not mine". (cough cough can we start that exposing thing now cuz I know a few people like that) Next thing you know we have another kid growing up with out a father. So let's just avoid becoming another statistic and wrap it up!
Ohh yea...ladies, if you're out there having sex it's time for you to stop going to the doctor that gives you a lollipop when your check-up is over.
P.S. if the exposure post applies to you....your hot behind BETTER be the first one on line to buy some condoms.
leave the comments......i know you have something to say
Sunday, September 13, 2009
No shame in that game!!!
You may be wondering why is this chick saying no hoe is safe and what does that have to do with anything!. But my friends its come to my attention that so many people are being EXPOSED and I want to make it clear that if you have hoe like qualities you aren't safe anymore,WE ALL KNOW YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS!
Being a user on twitter I have come across countless pictures and comments that have EXPOSED people in many ways, more ways than others.Like seriously if a guy goes" send me a naked pic. its only for my eyes" it means send me a pic for me and all my boys to see. plain and simple. Like if its only for your eyes come over to the house and see it. And what's up with chicks smiling in pictures when a guy just jizzed all over your face and weave since when was that shit funny or cute. And why are you posing and smiling when you have a D*ck in your mouth come on show some decorum. We seriously need to stop making people think its cute that the whole community has a had piece of that ass. Suppose you get married what goodness is your husband gonna feel?
Humph. And if you an undercover hoe, keep it up and don't slip up because you might be EXPOSED! (sidebar: this goes for guys also, you know if you nasty or not)
but im out. question/comments
signed lindA.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Excessive Force?!?!
Wow is it just me or is this another situation where the cops obviously use excessive force when it comes time to deal with black men in America. And if you wanna say it had nothing to do with his race, can you honestly tell me 59 shots were required? Think about it.> let us know how you feel
Friday, August 14, 2009
What is "closure" you ask? Its a sense of knowing that whatever it was, was put to an end a sense of completion or just knowing that whatever it was doesn't need to be spoken about again because its finish like a book THE END. But knowing me I found this was a LIE. LIES we all have been telling ourselves for years, like who really needs closure to know that something is ended sometimes things are better left open and unsaid. Why are you putting yourselves in a wanting to end everything lifestyle, good things don't have to end and believe it of not bad things will ALWAYS happen sooner or later if not to you, someone that you know. So people PLEASE stop tricking yourself into thinking that you have closure on something just because you put a THE END sign on it. That doesn't mean another story isn't brewing up!
Like is there really something called "closure" or is it just our minds playing a trick on us making it seem like we are done?
think about it.yo
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
" I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any KINDNESS that i can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." ~ Stephan Grellet
Always be kind! Think about it, when your truly happy your always kind too people( unless your just plain evil like miss jasmine..jk). Not only does being kind make you happy, its good for everyone including yourself.. No one to yell at our to get angry with, just pure happy bliss. just imagine how good this world would be if everyone thought that way =]
im out suckas.. and dont forgot to subscribe you blog readers,,!!! =]
Monday, August 03, 2009
Old News....
ice cream truck theme - ice cream trucks
Wellll... ever since I can remember, kids around the way have been talking about Mr. Softee having crack in his ice cream (some people said he peed in it but..just no), and well, low and behold.. in no place other than Westbury, a Mister Softee was arrested for possession ! *getttthehellouttahere* No sir, it's true.. Well idk, some stories say he was buyins and some say he was selling. Either way, he def messed it up for the rest of them ice cream truckers. Like I know i would be mad if some new guy came in and exposed my whole secret industry. I mite have to flip tables just thinkin about it !!
Oh and they quoted one lady saying something along the lines of "thats scary! there are so many kids around!"
Now they're gonna have to go to the other side of town to get their fix. Shoot.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
&& then make sure you look at the CH one and the Spectacular one.. those made me limh a little bit too.
timewastefillupspacesmileyfacehowsthattaste !
it's been a minute
Today at work... I had the best idea for a blog.....but then I forgot it.
But then! I had another idea the time I started writing, I forgot again.
Sooo I think you'd like to know about how life is on the JLA Tip !
Well actually, all I can do is let you know about the "A" part of it, so that's what you'll get for now.
Most exciting part of my past weekend was locking my keys in the car. GREAT!
Lesson learned: LI is full of FAKE thugs because nobody in the whole Lakeview knows how to break into a car. SMH ! Well i guess thats not the whole LI but you know what I'm getting at, ya phonies ! However, they all had a reason and all the reasons were somethin like they "hustle for money, who wastes their time with cars.. but if the door is open, I'll get the muhhsuckah to run, nah mean" or some ish like that, idk whatev. Kool kids all around.
que mas que mas...............ummm C*BlockK found this DOPE ass burger spot. Yes this place deserves to be called dope. Two pieces of meat ?! No one warned us !! It was like a prize in bottom of the cereal box. I was beyond hyped. Not a bad price either. And they do NOT skimp on the fries either, one serving is def enough for 4 people. For sure the spot to go if you like brown paper bags turning see-through. delish, my kind of place =]
uhh, we danced in DSW with this little girl, it was cute... some other stuff happened on the C*BlockK road trip too, but i just can't remember..
Yea well, it's been fun.
Ally Katt signing out
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Something out of your EleMENt!!
This week has been a very creative week for me. Been into music, art & fashion. But its the ART that caught my attention the most this week. Never being on artist I find myself looking and being a decorator. Some here some things i looked at and liked hope you like it !ENJOY!!

Leave Comments, Question and Just wanna say hey. .....blow it up!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Another Public Service Announcement
You know what to do!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Land of the Free
Sadly enough.. we really haven't come that far since those pre-14th Amendment days.
Why is it that those little kids from the Philadelphia camp were denied access to a private swimming pool, even after the camp had paid to use it ? And how is the statement "There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club," made by John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club, acceptable ? And honestly, the fact that these young children had to endure comments such as "Why are these black kids here?" made by white club members, is definitely not going to leave a positive mark in their minds. This story really made me sick to my stomach, its a damn shame that things like this still happen. And I don't know if it's worse that this happens, or that there are still people out there who don't believe that people still to this day discriminate against non-whites in this country. MORE
Furthermoreeee, if you are black, and live in a house, becareful going home because you just might be arrested on suspicions of a possible break-in. Yessireee true story, that is what happened to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. As he arrived at his home in Cam

I'm sure these are def not the worst of what's going on out there. And I know I could go on for days and nights about these kinda thangss. Its really terrible and people need to acknowlege the fact that other people are bullshitters and therefore bullshit exists rather prevalently even in the day and age and it's something that probably won't change...It'll only continue to be swept under the rug unless we really make a valient effort to change it. We've come only but so far from the beginning and lord knows that's not this is not even close to the end.
But on a good note, at least there are some changes being made.. but I'm sure you've heard about this already.. but it's still interesting.. so make sure you catch it.. if you don't have HBO, we'll have a party for it that nite on C*BlockK !! ...jk ... unless you have food =]